Planning is most important aspect of
any Software development process and for doing so many of us uses either
traditional Software engineering process or simply defined our own.
Planning is one of the Steps in many
Architecture models that we follow, but in real world planning start from
getting customer & their requirements.
Image courtesy i Stock
Many Start-ups and their software
developer fails in the planning phase as they believe / work on the rapid
development and delivering model. This is due to lack of time and always wanted
to do more and deliver more. I had discussions with few developers working
in Start-ups or SME's on the planning and answers is WE DO PLANning
but in mind and yes on the header section of my notepad.
Is this kind of planning we really need when we want to get our software or application done. NO.
Guys if we follow these below line items in our notepad for any application that we are working on will really help us to get job done in the time frame as well as deliver exact what is required by the client.
- Draw Project Plan Before initiating the code.
- Analyze all the modules and Phases of the application.
- What all the steps you need to work around in modules like:
- Writing Functions
- Stored Procedures.
- No. Of screens.
- Fields and sections in the screen.
- coding
- etc...
- Analyze turn around time modules wise.
Now once you are ready with the project document anytime you start developing just go through the document and read what all the things you need to carried and this way you really save your lots of time.
may be i have missed many points but you can search more on Google and prepare your own working model and start developing.
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